Cameroon 'murders 100 Boko Haram Fighters And Frees 900 Hostages' - bbc Africa

An "extraordinary tidy up operation" by Cameroon's security strengths has prompted more than 100 Boko Haram contenders being "killed", Defense Minister Joseph Beti Assomo has said in an announcement show on national radio, the AFP news office reports. The
operation occurred along the outskirt with Nigeria from 26 to 28 November, he is cited as saying. The range empowered troops "to discharge very nearly 900 prisoners, grab an extensive supply of arms and weapons and in addition high contrast Islamic State hails", the announcement included, without giving points of interest on the characters of those liberated. Boko Haram is situated in Nigeria, however has been going up assaults in Cameroonian towns and towns. There has been no free affirmation of the pastor's announcement.
